Photo by the author
Update: I received a reaction for this post. 😀 I'll post an update if I needed to buy any of the things listed for whatever reason.
1. Body soaps. Handmade soaps are fun to make, great for personal use and giveaways. Here's a video you can follow if you want to try it. I now experiment with my ingredients but I usually use virgin coconut oil, sunflower oil, vitamin E, tea tree oil, shea butter, herbs, oatmeal, and essential oils for scent.
2. Lip balm. This DIY lip balm recipe stopped my (and my Mama's) lips from chapping and cracking. I use it daily because it works. I finally said goodbye to the strawberry flavored Nivea lip balm I used for decades!
3. Bottled shampoo. Shampoo and conditioner bars feel different from what you've been used to. It could be weird at first, but switching to soap bars is a win-win. No more plastic bottles to throw away, and it's good for the planet.
My recommendations for Philippine residents: Shampoo bars from Ecobar and conditioner bars from Ecoshift.
4. Deodorant. I used to go to the store regularly to buy toiletries. Making my products is a huge time and money-saver. Here's DIY deodorant recipe I follow.
5. Gadgets. Working remotely is so fun, I don't think I can go back to working in an office. I even wrote about how remote workers enjoy life more here. Now, I only need my laptop and phone to work. No more printed documents to sign, no more post-its on my monitor. For my hobbies, I have my Kindle and a camera.
My recommendations: For US residents, check Backmarket for refurbished gadgets. For Philippine residents, check if you can find a slightly used, under-warranty items in Carousell before choosing brand new.
6. Pen. Refilling a fountain pen makes my life easier because I write in my notebooks a lot. No more rushing to the store to buy pens and throwing them away when they stop working. It's earth-friendly too. This is what I use.
7. Printed books. I switched to e-books in 2018. I've sold, donated and given away maybe 95% of my printed books. Right now, I have 12 printed books on my shelf that are great for rereading.
8. Pair of pants. I have 7 pairs of pants as of today. While I'm working remotely, and living in the same tropical climate, there's no reason to add a new one.
9. Yoga clothes - I have more than enough leggings, shorts and sports bras. I use this daily, so I'm a little picky with what I use. If you're in the Philippines, I recommend Avyanna Athleisure.
See other low-waste swaps I made last year. I don't recommend DIY to anyone, but I strongly suggest being an intelligent consumer to everyone.
There you go, my friends. Here's to wanting and living with less.
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