For the past three years, practicing yoga has been a big part of my life. When things don't go my way, when I'm celebrating, when I experience setbacks or steps forward, there was always yoga to help keep the balance.
Within that time, I've formed opinions and ideas about my practice, my weaknesses and strengths (this pose is too difficult, this one is easy!). Now they're all gone.
When we are free from views, we are willing to learn. -Jack Kornfield
It's been almost three months since my surgery, I am finally back to practicing Ashtanga yoga like a beginner.

First yoga practice after almost 3 months!
What's amazing about Ashtanga Yoga is, once it's ingrained in your memory, it's difficult to forget. The poses came naturally, but the flexibility and strength did not. Everything feels new, uncomfortable, and painful, just like when I was starting.
I practiced for 30 minutes yesterday and I woke up from an afternoon nap feeling extremely sore. It will take a while to get used to the poses again.
I also see this as an exciting time to learn about the body this way.
There's a remarkable Ashtanga teacher named John Bultman who went from being paralyzed to practicing and teaching again. His determination is inspiring. And I hope you do too.
Odyssa is the author of Like A New Sun Rising: A Collection of Poems on Love. She also publishes stories in Medium. Be a Medium member by clicking here. To subscribe to her stories by email, click this.