January 21


Writing Prompt: Five Lists by Suleika Jaouad

By Odyssa

January 21, 2022

Here are writing prompts from Isolation Journals, a writing community created by Suleika Jaouad, author of one of the best memoirs I've read, Between Two Kingdoms

What is a writing prompt? 

A writing prompt is a topic around which you jot down ideas. The prompt could be a single word, a short phrase, a complete paragraph or even a picture, with the idea being to give you something to focus on as you write.

Source: Daily Writing Tips 

Let's begin with IJ's first prompt for the year!

Isolation Journal's writing prompt number 176. Follow IJ on Instagram @isolationjournals

1. What in the last year are you proud of?

I am proud of my mother for surviving the COVID-19 virus. There's no telling if she will or will not get it this year, but she has done her part in preparing her body for it by getting fully vaccinated. Last year, we treated her for two weeks, and waited for three weeks for her to get an 'okay' from her doctor. Really grateful we got through that time. 

2. What did this year (2021) leave you yearning for?

2021 left me yearning for a life pre-pandemic. I have always sought freedom wherever I lived. It's beneficial for me and my parents to be living together, however, it has also changed my lifestyle substantially.

3. What's causing you anxiety?

The Philippine's situation that's not letting my partner enter the country. 

4. What resources, skills, and practices can you rely on in the coming year?

Now that I've learned the basics of self-publishing plus finding a publisher in the Philippines, I am ready to make more. I made a lot of mistakes and I'm about to make more for the next ones, but mistakes are the best way to learn. So I think that's the most important skill I can use this year!

5. What are your wildest, most harebrained ideas and dreams?

I think it would be wild for one of my books to become a bestseller in its genre. 


Follow Isolation Journals on IG for more dream writing!


About the author

Odyssa is a writer from the Philippines. She is the author of Like A New Sun Rising: A Collection of Poems on Love. When not working or writing at home, she's out walking their dogs. She enjoys traveling, practices yoga, gets lost in books and Korean drama. To her, making time for a daily practice or ritual is the best gift to one's self.

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